Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dagfinn Bakke

These past few days have been fun! On the 7th I visited Dagfinn Bakke, a wonderfully kind artist in Svolvær. He makes lithographs, watercolors, and used to draw cartoons for the newspaper.

By Dagfinn Bakke

By Dagfinn Bakke

I have made a few paintings, it was good to get out all my thoughts onto the page. I was invited to an artist talk at the NNKS Center in the town center. I didn't understand a word they said but it was fun to see the work and meet some Norwegian artists. I met Tine, she said I could come by on Monday and see her work, I look forward to that. I met some fellow travelers from Germany, they were very nice, it was good to have some company after spending so much time alone the past few days.


I had so much fun today! A friend I made and I went to Henningsvær on the bus, it was 25°C, so nice! We walked all over (it is a small U-shaped town). I bought an orange popsicle and took plenty of photographs! When we came back home we made dinner, salmon and potatoes. After spending the whole day out I feel so wonderful and adventurous! 

Henningsvær Photographs by Sarah Zuckerman

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