Friday, June 17, 2011

Expedition of Printmakers

Today I went to see the "Expedition of Printmakers" at the Kunstnersenter. Saw Cecilia, Tine, Maria, and Thor, (and more I have met previously but for the life of me can't recall their names!). I was able to speak with so many artists and was invited to some more openings, one on Sunday at Thor's Gallery in Kabelvåg.
The artists who worked on the expedition of printmakers were from Norway and Poland, their work really complimented each other. There were woodcuts, etchings, and some other processes I wasn't as familiar with.

The Artists at the Exhibit

A piece from the show, I can't find the name of the artist though, 
(found here
It is a linocut though, which totally blew my mind because of how the detailing was with the lines.

Janne was staying at the Kunstnerhuset as well, I didn't get to see her when I left and walked back but she was very kind, I thoroughly enjoyed talking to her.

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