Monday, August 1, 2011


I am in London! Yesterday travels were a little hectic but I made it ok. Landed at LHR around 9pm, found the Picadilly line and took an hour long bus ride to the Holborn station. After a little wandering I found a map and found my way to the hostel. Checked in, crept into my room (with 12 or so other sleeping people), and passed out on my bed.

Up early this morning, checked back out of my room and am now just waiting for Annie to arrive so we can get this party started!

Tonight Annie, Kasia, and I got a bit tipsy at a pub called O'Niels - and that is all I can say about that.

Today Annie and I went shopping and found some very cute dresses. We met up with Kasia and saw the entire National Gallery, by the end of the four hours I didn't think I could even see straight. Trafalgar Square is gearing up for the Olympics next year, lots of promotional materials around.
We saw Big Ben and West Minster Abbey. We found a cool skate park with a little side walk beach along the river. There was also a rooftop cafe with a garden. And some kind of waterfountain-esque area you could run in and out of, I tried it and got a little damp but it was fun.

By Sarah Zuckerman
(Photograph of me in the water fountain taken by Kasia)

Annie and I ventured to the London Eye this morning, as long as the line was it was completely worth it. We could see so much, it was awesome. Then we went into West Minster Abbey- it was huge. Lots of rooms, lots of people. We went through all of it and found a little outdoor area with a small garden and laid on the grass a little while to rest. The we were off to Buckingham Palace. Everything was adorned in gold and grandeur. It was lovely. We walked back through the gardens, had ourselves some ice creams, did a little more shopping and headed back.

By Sarah Zuckerman

Today I walked across Abbey Road! It was pretty surreal. We all wrote on the "Beatles Wall". Went to Portabello Road to find a record for Patrick and discovered it was a pretty cool place for we did!
This evening we went to an outdoor wine bar, it was a tremendous time.

Abbey Road Photographs
By Sarah Zuckerman


Today is my last full day in London and I am not doing a thing, unfortunately. I am so sick, I feel horrible. Someone said there was a bug going around the hostel. At least I'll be all packed for tomorrow...


Definitely loved spending this week in London. Had the best time ever with Annie and Kasia. 

Annie and Kasia Photographs
By Sarah Zuckerman

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